Winter in Petersburg

Winter has arrived in Petersburg. The low was -5 degrees this morning. As you can see from the photo below, a fair amount of snow fell over the last week. SE Alaska is experiencing the coldest temperatures they have seen in the last 10 years. Through all of this, the boat cover seems to be doing its job in keeping Idyll Time dry.

Lots of snow

Our oil filled radiator heater along with two dehumidifiers inside the cabin keep Idyll Time nice and warm. We are thankful though that we winterized all of the systems last fall. Through Siren, our boat monitoring system, we can monitor the temperatures inside as well as making sure the shore power is on and the batteries stay charged. It is very reassuring to have this data available while we are 3000 miles away.

Our Siren monitoring app

The low inside our boat was 37 degrees and the back cockpit area was 21 degrees. Thankfully, forecast is for warming back up into the 30’s over the next few days.

Spring will be here before we know it. We are looking forward to getting back aboard! See you in a few months.
