Year End Summary

Our cruising year has come to an end and Idyll Time is securely tide to the dock in Petersburg, AK until next spring. This year we spent 156 days aboard , leaving from Anacortes early April. After a brief stop in Canada at Philbrooks for some boat work, we made a quick 12 day run up the Inside Passage to Alaska. Our total miles cruised this year was 3041 miles. The wildlife in Alaska continues to amaze us. Here are some totals of what we saw this year

17 Black Bear sightings

52 Brown Bear sightings

Humpback Whales-too many to count
21 Orca sightings

Sea Otters-too many to count

Sea Lions-too many to count
Pacific Dolphins-too many to count
Seals-too many to count
7 Harbor Porpoises

16 Puffins

Bald Eagles-too many to count.

We also had sightings of two wolf, eight moose, 14 deer, and six mountain goats. It was also another good year fishing for salmon, crab, and halibut. We have rented a shelf in the Community Cold Storage facility in Petersburg where we have 150 lbs. of frozen fish waiting. It was a great summer in Alaska!

Several people have asked about our hydrophone and the sounds we heard from the Humpbacks. Our next blog will be on these amazing creatures. I will also try to upload some whale recordings.

Thanks for following along!
